Combat Sailplanes
Bill's 1987 Fighter 

Scratch Built

Dave's 1987 Fighter 

Scratch Built

Bill's 1989 Fighter 

Scratch Built

Dave's 1989 Fighter  
"The Bill Muncher" 

Scratch Built

Bill's 1991 Fighter 

Scratch Built

Dave's 1991 Fighter 

Scratch Built

Bill's 1998 Fighter 
"Grave Digger" 

Scratch Built

Dave's 1998 Fighter 

Scratch Built

Wes' 1998 Fighter 

Scratch Built

Bill's 2000 Fighter  
"Killer Bee" 


House of Balsa Kit  (2x6)

Dave's 2000 Fighter 
"Black Widow" 


House of Balsa Kit (2x6)

Wes' 2000 Fighter 

Still Under Construction 

House of Balsa Kit (2x6)

Phil's 2000 Fighter 

House of Balsa Kit (2x6)

Bill's 2001 Fighter 

House of Balsa Kit (2x6)

Dave's 2001 Fighter 

House of Balsa Kit (2x6)

Wes' 2001 Fighter 

House of Balsa Kit (2x6)

Steve's 2001 Fighter 
"Death From Above" 

House of Balsa Kit (2x6)

Bruce's 2001 Fighter 
"2THT" aka 2 Ton Heavy Thing 

House of Balsa Kit (2x6)

Darrek's 2001 Fighter  
"Shadow of Death" 

House of Balsa Kit (2x6)

Bob's 2001 Fighter 
"Mad Mosquito" 

House of Balsa Kit (2x6)
