Combatants Quest |
(Bill R.) Victor Plane Name:
(Dave R.) Year 2000 Winner Plane Name: 'Evolution' |
Color Scheme: | Standard 00000 | Color Scheme: | Standard 00000 |
Owner/Designer/Pilot: Bill
Radio Freq: 72.350FM Chnl 28 Score: 90 Design: House of Balsa, 2x6 Kit. Standard fuse construction with "V" tail. Triple taper wing with standard dihedral wing tips. Features: Custom retractable nose cone punch. Custom "V" tail and triple taper wing. Comments: Contest Notes: Bill is a two time winner of CQ. |
Owner/Designer/Pilot: Dave
Radio Freq: 72.390AM Chnl 30 Score: 45 Design: House of Balsa, 2x6 Plans. Fuse construction at -10% length with full floating stab tube tail and "V" tail mixing. Wing at -15% length with single dirhedral and airlerons. Features: Sliding hidden hatch. Custom full floating tube tail featuring "V" tail mixing. Comments: Contest Notes: Dave is a three time winner of CQ. |
(Wes U.) Plane Name:
(Steve S.) Plane Name:
Color Scheme: | Trans & Standard 0000 | Color Scheme: | Pearls & Chrome 0000 |
Owner/Designer/Pilot: Wes
Radio Freq: 72.150FM Chnl18 or Chnl38 Score: 5 Design: HofB, 2x6 plans. Standard fuse construction with mid-tail. Single dihedral wing with taper. Features: Comments: Contest Notes: Wes is the first winner of the coveted "Pilots Choice Award", awarded 1998. |
Owner/Designer/Pilot: Steve
Radio Freq: ##.###FM Chnl39 Score: 115 Design: HofB, 2x6 Kit. Standard fuse construction with custom shaped tail section. Straight wing with airlerons. Features: Custom fuse mounted air brakes. Custom tail and straight wing with airlerons. Comments: Contest Notes: Awarded by unanimous vote "Pilots Choice Award" 2001. |
(Bruce M.) Plane Name:
(Jeremiah R.) Plane Name:
Color Scheme: | Fabric 000 | Color Scheme: | Standard & Clear 0000 |
Owner/Designer/Pilot: Bruce
Radio Freq: ##.###FM Chnl 55 Score: 95 (estimated building score) (did not get judged) Design: HofB, 2x6 Kit. Standard fuse construction with "V" tail. Standard kit wing design with much plywood bracing. Features: Custom "V" tail, bolt-on wing and cloth covering for added strength. Comments: Bruce was unable to compete due emergency surgery that was required the day before competition. Contest Notes: |
Owner/Designer/Pilot: Jeremiah
Radio Freq: * Score: 0 (did not build) Design: HofB, 2x6 Kit. Standard fuse construction with custom elevator/rudder tail design. Standard kit wing design. Features: No custom features. Comments: Jeremiah was unable to participate due to a comflict in his schedule. Contest Notes: |
(Darrek K.) Plane Name:
(Bob B.) Plane Name:
Color Scheme: | Standard 00 | Color Scheme: | Standard & Trans 00000 |
Owner/Designer/Pilot: Darrek
Radio Freq: ##.###FM Chnl 56 Score: 80 Design: HofB, 2x6 Kit. Standard fuse construction with standard elevator/fin tail design. Custom flat wing design with airlerons. Features: Comments: Contest Notes: |
Owner/Designer/Pilot: Bob
Radio Freq: ##.###FM Chnl60 Score: 115 Design: HofB, 2x6 Kit.. Standard fuse construction with custom "V" tail design. Custom kit wing design with ailerons, spoiler, airbrake, flaperons, etc, etc, etc. Features: Wing mounted air brake and pointed nose cone. Comments: Contest Notes: |