    Combatants Quest
 General Rules:  
Plane Name: 'Boat'
Plane Name: 'Camo'
Owner/Designer/Pilot:  Bill Reaser 
Design:  50" Dihedral, stick built, 2 channel (elevator/rudder) 
Comments: Sail plane was very fast and very maneuverable (almost too much).  Full right or left rudder would stall plane and cause it to dive immediately.  The 'Boat' died months later when it accidentally collided with a 2 meter sail plane.  The collision knocked the wing off, broke the wing panel and demolished the fuse. 
Owner/Designer/Pilot:  Dave Reaser 
Design:  50" Poly-dihedral, sheeted, 2 channel (elevator/rudder) 
Comments: This sail plane was too stable and had little manuvarability.  It was not as fast as the boat and therefore never could get a good strike on it's competition.  A steep dive and corner with the wind to its back (the boat on its tail) caused the wing to brake in half and it plunged to it's death.
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